Let's face it. No matter how much we try to avoid media, the truth of the matter is that we can't. We are exposed to thousands of media daily, half of which we are unconscious of. In this era of fast moving technology, it's unavoidable, especially with the internet where many ads are uploaded every day.
I consume a bunch of media although I'm not sure about the number since it's so big. I also use the internet every day and watch TV once in a while, so I see media influence every day, especially in the form of ads.
Although, even back then, I wasn't usually persuaded by ads to buy a product, some actually confused me, I still just accepted what I saw in them and never questioned them. I never noticed how they have distorted assumptions about me and how they were trying to persuade me to believe them. Maybe subconsciously I did start to believe them. But after taking this class, I am much more aware of what marketing companies are actually doing. Every time I see a commercial now, I immediately start analyzing what needs they are using, what techniques they are using, who is their target market, what reality assumptions they have about them, etc. It does get annoying because I can't help it, but it does make watching ads much more interesting. Sometimes, it even makes some serious ads pretty hysterical because they are doing a really bad job of concealing the techniques and needs they are using. Also, I used to skip commercials, but sometimes if I have a choice, I will watch the commercials just to analyze them.
Now, I am definitely more hesitant to believe what I see in the media. I used to believe about, but not all, of what they said on it, but now I find myself questioning a lot more. I can look deeper into what people are saying and decide for myself if I should or shouldn't believe them.
It's important to have media literary so you won't be so easily tricked by the media into believing what they want you to believe. You won't be tricked by marketing companies into believing that you're really a sad, boring person inside and you need a certain product to fill that emptiness. You'll be able to tell that they are lying to you and that you have to find out the truth for yourself.
Although I did find keeping these blogs to be tedious, by keeping track of what media I'm exposed to, I was able to tell just how much media influences my life. By forcing me to look deeper into ads, I was able to pick out implicit and explicit messages. Now, those skills have improved and I can easily apply them to ads everywhere.
In this crazy world we live in, one may not notice just how powerful media is. It has the power to influence our thought and feelings and practically shapes our lives. It's so powerful that it has even shaped our views of what we want to see, such as how men want to see skinny, super feminine women. We don't have a mind for ourselves; we don't actually make our own decisions. It has already been made up by the media. We store what we see in the media and it slowly begins to clutter up own minds, so that we don't have any more room to fill more important information, such as the news. Maybe that's why people believe that kids nowadays are stupid because they consume so much media. Most of my brain is filled with useless knowledge from the media, and my memory has slowly gotten worse from when I was a kid. The moral of this is never underestimate the media's power on all of us.